Sex Shop Talk.

I always love when the subject of sex comes up with my clients.  I’m always happy to hear of them having sex especially when in long term relationships.  I’ve been told by some, it’s silly to think people stop having sex when they’re in long relationships, but know from “the horse’s mouth”, that in a… Continue reading Sex Shop Talk.

It’s Butter, Ya’ll!

So last week my friends and I took a little trip southward.  We went to Savannah Georgia.  This is the home to “celebrity” cook, Paula Deen.  She’s not a schooled chef to my knowledge, but a well trained and experienced cook.  She is a friendly and lovable, talented woman and  has a restaurant in Savannah… Continue reading It’s Butter, Ya’ll!

Embarrassing TV Moments.

It happened today, just like it happens any other day, the embarrassing tv commercial.  I like to watch tv shows and or movies from time to time aside from always listening to music. When you have a “family” of employees that fight over the radio station, or what cd is on, or in todays world,… Continue reading Embarrassing TV Moments.

With Age Comes Fat.

I’m always amazed how often I am talking about food with my clients. We talk about everything. I mean EVERYTHING. But almost always it gets back to the subject of food. “What’s for dinner tonight?” I almost always ask all of my clients. Ok, if it’s early in the day I might ask, “what’s for… Continue reading With Age Comes Fat.

Mid Life Crisis?

My client Bob was in the other day for haircut. I haven’t seen him in a few years, or his children for that matter. They would only come in for haircuts, and were never very “regular” with their appointments but I would see them from time to time. It has to have been a good… Continue reading Mid Life Crisis?

Christmas Present.

A fellow haircutter and friend that I met working in one of the first salons of my career, was born on or around Christmas day.  I’m not sure exactly, but I remember that she was named “Noel” because of it. She was older than I and almost motherly towards me, but being fellow employees, she… Continue reading Christmas Present.