I’ll Wash Your Hair, You Wash Mine..

Recently a client came in a little shaggier than usual for her haircut.  While asking what she’d like, and how her last haircut was, she explained to me that her finances were going to be limited and how she wouldn’t be able to come in as often as she’d like to.  She explained to me that she would soon be filing for divorce, and that her husband was, among other things, an alcoholic.

I know this client pretty well but haven’t been doing her hair as long as the rest of her family, yet she wanted to let me know what was going on and even had tears in her eyes as she was telling me.  I was pretty surprised by her honesty and quite frankly felt touched that she would open up in such a raw way.

I asked her a few questions to make sure she was in a good place, and state of mind.  I offered her some recommendations of other clients of mine that I thought might be able to help her.  One of the things I love about knowing a large and diverse group of people is the ability to then share the wealth of knowledge they all have to offer.  She seemed to be in a good place but was obviously scared and still rattled by what is to come.

I think I then surprised her when I told her that I didn’t want her to worry about the cost of getting her hair cut.  I said I had no problem and that we’d work something out.  The last thing I wanted was for her to have to worry about going much longer than she needed to for the sake of saving money.  If that was one small thing that she doesn’t need to worry about, then I am glad to help.  The fact that she opened up and let herself be vulnerable was so endearing that instead of asking what I could do to help, I told her I will help.

It could be that during this period of lent I am thinking of ways to “help my fellow man”, but I’m not sure.  I’d like to think that with age and life experience I’m just getting to a place of joy by the act of giving and receiving.  It’s a 2 way street.  Showing our weaknesses and strengths to each other helps us to grow.  I’ve been helped through the years and am so grateful to be able to help whenever I can.

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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