The Secret To Longevity.

Clients of mine were in today.  A couple in their mid 90’s.  96 to be exact.  The husband said he’d like to live to 100, if his wife lets him…  He’s a character and I may have written about him before.  The way he tells the same story about why their marriage last as long as it does.  They’ll be married 75 years.  He says, “I never go to sleep angry!  I haven’t slept in years..!”  He’s diabetic and on insulin injections 2 times a day.  Of course when he’s in the salon he always has his coffee black, and at least 1 cookie.  His doctor told him if he wants to cheat, go ahead.  I agree.

I had a great uncle that lived until his mid 90’s and when he announced in his 80’s that he was going to quit smoking, we all thought, maybe you shouldn’t..

So today, I found out the secret to longevity.  At least his secret.  One of them anyway.  He told me that most of his life he ate an apple or 2 a day.  Every day for like 80 years.  That pearl of wisdom is as good if not better than any doctor’s advice I could get.  I love to hear things like that.  I still value my Grandmothers old world Italian remedies for various “conditions.”  I do and always will listen intently to everyone that sits in my chair.  They all have so much to offer.  When I used to hear people tell me how they wish they could do it all over again, but with the knowledge they have now, it makes perfect sense.  It didn’t then, but now I get it.  There’s always something to learn from someone, even though we might not thinks so, or even if we have no desire to learn.  But there is.

I’m not sure I want to live as long as my two clients, but I hold them up high.  As I do anyone that has that insight and knowledge and shear life experience.  Talk about seniority!  They got it.  These people today with their electronic everything, and their expenses and divorces and pensions and job security and all.  The people that came before us had nothing in comparison and were happy.  Perhaps happier than many today.  It’s a wake up call.

Thanks for sharing your secrets.

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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