The best life you can have.

Today a client had surgery.  He has early stages of pancreatic cancer.  Not the best cancer to get but in reality, no cancer is good to get.  He came in and I had already heard of the diagnosis and went over and sat with him on the couch.  I wanted him to know that we as a salon, were there for him and showed him love and support, but also was an eager recipient to hear the plan of action they were about to take to fight this disease.  He told me it was early and encapsulated and able to be removed surgically.  That’s all good news.  A lot of cancers that cannot be removed or operated on sometimes pose more of a threat.  His eyes were big and vulnerable and hopeful as he spoke and all I could do was offer love, strength, and support.  Maybe hope also.  I pray for a great outcome for him and his family.

How well does someone need to know someone to share different scenario’s?  I’ve been told I am more evolved than some, or more realistic, and even sanctimonious. (but that’s another story…)  Having had loss in my own family, numerous times, I see things differently, or maybe just talk about it more than others.  But I don’t always look on the bright side.  Also, who’s to say that surviving something IS the bright side?  When I’ve prayed in the past for loved ones it wasn’t always for recovery and long life.  I’d ask God to make his decision but to also be swift with it.  At times when I’ve questioned whether or not God even makes these decisions, I’d just put it to the universe, or to the person involved even.  If it’s your time to go, or move on, or pass on, then go for it.  If staying here means living badly, or not to your fullest potential, then by all means go.

I know I don’t want to be forced to stay in a life that isn’t worth living. Or be held “captive” in a body that isn’t “up to par”,  I believe when I die that I will be with the people that’ve passed before me.  Do you?  What’s your belief?  This includes pets that’ve passed before also. (just sayin),  I look forward to reuniting with so many that I haven’t seen in a very long time.

So of course I hope that my client has an amazing surgeon and they do what’s necessary to remove and fight this cancer, but is it ok to also hope that whatever happens is for the best?  I want him to have the best conclusion, whether it be survival or passing to a better place.  I leave that up to the powers that be and to most importantly, the patient himself.

May you have the outcome that you hope for and we together as a salon pray for you and your family that you are released from this cancer and have the best life you can have.

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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