Mother, Mommy, Mama, Ma…

Today I was seeing a friend that recently lost her Mom.  She passed peacefully, yet unexpectedly, and was in her early 80’s.  I have a great relationship with this woman and can, (and have) talk about anything.  I think it’s safe to say that we’re very similar in our spiritual belief system, and our ability to see and think outside the box.  Or this dimension, if you will.  I knew that the loss of her mom was profound, yet I also knew how she was feeling because I feel it also.  With the people that have passed in my life, and the people that have yet to pass for that matter.

I knew I was going to see her today and thought of maybe bringing her a sympathy card or something to show that I was sorry for her loss, and was thinking of her, but decided against it.  It just didn’t feel right, and I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, so I just let it be.

Because I was running early I decided to go into a gift shop by her house and look around and get some magazines for work.  My clients love gossip magazines like people, star, etc.  My only rule is nothing with Kardashian on the cover.  I refuse to help them make anymore money than they already have.  Other than that it could be a dog flying a plane for all I care.  While in there I bought magazines, lottery tickets, and while browsing I saw a mug that had every form of “mother” written on it.  Mother, Mommy, Mama, Ma, etc.  I immediately knew I wanted it and had it simply wrapped in tissue paper and ribbon to give to my friend.  There was no question of it being inappropriate, or in bad taste considering she just lost her mom.  It was to me the perfect sentiment to show my love and support.  I wanted her to use that mug in good health, and think of her mom and what she represents, for as long as she had that mug.

As soon as she opened it she loved it.  She even said that coming from me she knew exactly what and where the meaning behind it was coming from.  I didn’t think she needed another card saying how sorry I was for her loss, or how hard it must be to lose your mom.  I think all that sentiment is a mute point.  All good and understandable, but not necessary.

I should also add that hours earlier, I gave a client a cup of coffee that had a picture of Hugh Jackman on it.  Bought at the gift shop from his last broadway show in NYC.  When she first glanced at the picture on the mug she thought it was me.  I laughed and said that even though I’m a Leo, I am not so full of myself that I would have mugs made with my picture on them, and then offer them to people to use.  However, I was flattered she thought Hugh Jackman was me, but I digress.  I just thought it interesting that I had that “mug” exchange with my client, then hours later was gifting and talking about the significance of a different mug that I was giving to my friend.  It may not make a lot of sense, but I found it interesting that while listening to my friend talk about the significance of her gift, I was reminded of the earlier mug story, and told her.  We both had a laugh.

I guess what I took away from the whole experience was the joy of knowing someone on a level deeper than what some may allow themselves to think at.   To trust a feeling and emotion and know that another person is at that same time on that same level and place of thinking.

It was enlightening and felt great.

My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family, and especially her mom.  May she be in everlasting peace and tranquility.

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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