Coffee Break.

The abundance of gifts my clients have given me over the years has been too numerous to mention, but I’m reminded today of the love and generosity of them.

At Christmas, a grouping of clients that I’ve been doing for years, chipped in and bought me a “one cup at a time” coffee system.  I call it a system because it’s too smart to be a simple coffee machine.  I’ve been a big fan of coffee since the night I was (badly) reupholstering an antique coach my then business partner and I bought for our first salon.  I was alone and it was probably 1 or 2:00 in the morning.  Dunkin Donuts was open 24 hours and across the street, and I needed something to keep me awake.  I usually only drank tea up until then, but decided it was time to join my coffee drinking brethren, and ordered probably a vanilla coffee or something like that.  Yes, I’m a huge flavored coffee drinker.  Flavored creamer even better to sweeten my flavored coffee.

Alas, back to my coffee system.  I am now in coffee heaven drinking flavors like: cinnamon roll, raspberry white chocolate, butter toffee, french vanilla, cafe mocha, and the list goes on.  I’m convinced that all this coffee is helping me with my “diet” because instead of eating snacks all day, I reach for a nice cup of coffee.  The flavor and the sweet creamers are in place of the snacking and even satisfies my urge for a sweet.

My Point you ask?  Today, part of that same group that bought me the “system”, brought me a huge loaf of (still warm) homemade irish soda bread, for the pending St. Patrick’s Day this coming weekend.  This sort of throws a wrench in the works of my thinking in regards to coffee instead of eating.  Or replacing a fattening snack with a lower calorie, fat burning high amount of caffeine and sugar rush.

Not being a huge fan of irish soda bread, I have found a way to prepare it that makes it totally delicious.  Sliced thickly and toasted with a slathering of butter.  Need I go on?!?

Thank you M and R!  Love you!

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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