Embarrassing TV Moments.

It happened today, just like it happens any other day, the embarrassing tv commercial.  I like to watch tv shows and or movies from time to time aside from always listening to music. When you have a “family” of employees that fight over the radio station, or what cd is on, or in todays world, who’s playlist we’re listening to, it’s a nice break to watch or listen to the tv.

I love how randomly a topic will come up in the salon based on a commercial that might have played, or a topic arising from something we heard from a talk show or the news.

At 12:00 noon I usually like to watch the news and see if there’s anything worth while going on in the world that I should know about. During that time today, a commercial came on with a woman talking about how she found out the hard way about her foul feminine odor problem.  Well I pretty much burst out into laughter while I was doing my clients hair.  Not because of the subject matter, that would be too juvenile.  The fact that the woman in the commercial was cowering in a corner while her friends were looking at her and the narration was, “I found out the hard way about my feminine odor problem.”  Like she was warning the tv viewers not to get caught the way she did, and here’s the product to remedy this before you’re embarrassed like she was.  Who writes this stuff?

The best thing about it was that I laughed, my client laughed, and whoever heard what we did and our laughter, joined in our fun.  I refuse to be quiet and ignore a perfect opportunity to make something “controversial” the topic of conversation.  Just talking about the absurdity of it all is the best.  Of course if someone in the salon were to actually have an embarrassing feminine odor problem, then as a bonus they get to join in on the laugh, AND find out about a new product to buy to help them with their problem!  It’s a win win.

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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