Mid Life Crisis?

My client Bob was in the other day for haircut. I haven’t seen him in a few years, or his children for that matter. They would only come in for haircuts, and were never very “regular” with their appointments but I would see them from time to time. It has to have been a good year since I saw him because when I asked about his kids he responded that they’re both now away in college.  I felt like I was asking him a million questions but he was answering them all and I needed an update on his family. Then he told me how his wife of 25 years just bought him a brand new sports car. I was confused and asked him a few more questions like, “both of your kids are now out of the house and you and your wife are still getting along?”  “You’ve been married for 25 years and you’re wife is working 2 jobs to pay for the down payment for a new car?  For you?”

I know it sounds silly but I am always happy and a little surprised to hear of a couple that are together a long time and still enjoying each others company. I have a lot of clients that aren’t in that category and am just happy to hear when anyone in a long term relationship is happy and still in love with their significant other.

I was touched to hear that Bobs wife bought him that gift and really meant it as a gift and he said it’s the car he’s always wanted. She even got it for him with a standard transmission even though she can’t drive it.  Now in their free time he can teach her how to drive a stick shift. A nice thing for them to do together.  Lovebirds…

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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