With Age Comes Fat.

I’m always amazed how often I am talking about food with my clients. We talk about everything. I mean EVERYTHING. But almost always it gets back to the subject of food. “What’s for dinner tonight?” I almost always ask all of my clients. Ok, if it’s early in the day I might ask, “what’s for… Continue reading With Age Comes Fat.

Mid Life Crisis?

My client Bob was in the other day for haircut. I haven’t seen him in a few years, or his children for that matter. They would only come in for haircuts, and were never very “regular” with their appointments but I would see them from time to time. It has to have been a good… Continue reading Mid Life Crisis?

Christmas Present.

A fellow haircutter and friend that I met working in one of the first salons of my career, was born on or around Christmas day.  I’m not sure exactly, but I remember that she was named “Noel” because of it. She was older than I and almost motherly towards me, but being fellow employees, she… Continue reading Christmas Present.