Edible Genitals.

Ok so just recently I heard this little story that made me laugh. My client Laura that’s been coming to me for many years, as well as her family, was telling me when she was a kid her parents gave her and her siblings chocolate. Sounds innocent right? Well it first started with her describing the difference between a vulva and vagina. I, for 40+ years, thought I knew what a vagina was, but it turns out I didn’t. The vagina it seems is just the opening and “tunnel” that leads to the cervix/uterus. The actual image that I knew of is the vulva. The whole sha-bang. That being said, she asked if she ever told the the chocolate vulva story. I said no because I thought I probably would have remembered. When she was a child, her dad celebrated his 40th birthday and it seems that a friend of her parents must have given him a chocolate molded penis and vagina (vulva). I guess once the humor of the gift subsided they must have realized that the kids would get a kick out of a treat of chocolate so they cut it into pieces and gave it to Laura and her 3 younger siblings. Little did they know that Laura saw them both before they cut them up for consumption and used her young educated brain to put 2 and 2 together. So to speak. It makes for a good story today, and even more so when she tells her now adult siblings with their own kids, about it. I of course can’t wait to question her mother about it the next time she comes in for her appointment!

By Joseph

Cosmetologist and Stylist since 1986. I've been fascinated with people my whole life. What makes them react and do the things they do as individuals and humans. But also much deeper than the physical being and listen to their souls and their journey on this planet. I've been blessed to have touched so many, and to have them touch me in a way they're not even aware of. For that I will always be grateful.

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